What is your refund policy?

The Terms of Service page on our site outlines this in legal definition.  In general, refunds are only given in instances where the Pixel Plow software or hardware framework caused problems with a render job.  Examples of situations where this is NOT the case are:

  • Customer did not follow directions for correctly preparing their scene file and assets prior to submitting their render job
  • Customer did not include all of the external files needed for rendering the scene correctly when submitting the job
  • Customer did not compare the versions of software they use against the published versions deployed on the Pixel Plow farm prior to submitting their job
  • Customer did not choose an adequate Power level to complete their job within their timeframe
  • Customer removes the budget on a budget-suspended job when no frames have yet completed
  • Customer has not successfully rendered any frame from their own scene file on their computer prior to submitting that scene file to Pixel Plow
  • Customer has successfully rendered at least one frame from their scene file, but made changes to the scene file between that time and submission of it to Pixel Plow
  • Customer does not have adequate Internet bandwidth to upload their job or download their frames within their timeframe
  • Customer submitted their job without a budget and did not monitor their job to see the cost estimate as our system could calculate it
  • Customer submits a job and cancels it before any frames have been completed
  • Customer submits a job that requires a software function or feature that is not documented on the Pixel Plow website or verified as operational by communicating with Pixel Plow Support
  • Customer submits a job that exceeds the hardware limits of the Pixel Plow infrastructure, whether memory or storage
  • A bug (whether known or not) in the publicly-available software Pixel Plow runs (render applications, render engines, and plugins) that prevents it from normal, predictable, or reliable operation on any computer

While this list may seem excessive, each item has been committed many times by many customers.  We’d hoped these examples would reside in the common sense part of people’s brains, but it turns out to be not so common.  We decided to spell out many of these scenarios and make them part of the information accessible to all, whether you are a current Pixel Plow customer or not.  Our hopes are, of course, that you will read this list in advance of becoming part of the statistics.

Last, but not least, the signup fee for becoming a Pixel Plow customer is non-refundable.  It’s only ten bucks, though, which remains available as a credit against future render jobs.  We think you can spend more on fancy coffee these days.

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