Cinema 4D deployed versions, render engines, and plugins
Pixel Plow has deployed Cinema 4D versions R18 through 2023
Deployed Cinema 4D R18.057 Render Engines:
- Internal
- Arnold (C4DtoA) 2.5.2 (CPU only)
- VrayforC4D 3.4
- Cycles4D 1.0.0247 (CPU only)
- Corona 9 hotfix 1
Deployed Cinema 4D R18.057 Plug-ins:
- CV-* plugins as of June 18th, 2019 (CV-VRcam, CV-ArtSmart…)
- RealFlow | Cinema 4D
- Greyscalegorilla HDRI Studio 2.147
- Greyscalegorilla CityKit 1.21
- Greyscalegorilla Light Kit Pro 3.1
- Greyscalegorilla Signal 1.5
- Greyscalegorilla Texture Kit Pro 3.0
- Greyscalegorilla Topcoat 1.507
- Greyscalegorilla SuperText 1.23S
- Greyscalegorilla Transform 1.23S
- Greyscalegorilla Gorilla Cam 1.0
- TurbulenceFD 1.0.1429 beta
- Domemaster3D 1.9.3
- X-Particles 4.0.0535
- HOT4D 0.3
- SmartOutline 1.2
- SteadyCAM Pro v3
- Forester 1.2.7
- Welter plugins (UV Deformer, Atmosphere Shader, Noise Deformer…) version 2016-12-03
- Reeper 2.03
- Paint and Stick 1.5
- People in Motion 2.01
Deployed Cinema 4D R19.068 Render Engines:
- Internal
- Prorender (GPU farm)
- Arnold (C4DtoA) (CPU only)
- Cycles4D 1.0.0247 (CPU only)
- Corona 9 hotfix 1
Deployed Cinema 4D R19.068 Plug-ins:
- CV-* plugins as of January 21st, 2019 (CV-AR…)
- Greyscalegorilla HDRI Studio 2.147
- Greyscalegorilla CityKit 1.21
- Greyscalegorilla Light Kit Pro 3.1
- Greyscalegorilla Signal 1.5
- Greyscalegorilla Texture Kit Pro 3.0
- Greyscalegorilla Topcoat 1.507
- Greyscalegorilla SuperText 1.23S
- Greyscalegorilla Transform 1.23S
- Greyscalegorilla Gorilla Cam 1.0
- X-Particles 4.0.0642
- Forester 1.2.7
- HOT4D 0.3
- TurbulenceFD 1.0.1433
- RealFlow | Cinema 4D
- Reeper 2.03
- Paint and Stick 1.5
- People in Motion 2.01
Deployed Cinema 4D R20.059 Render Engines:
- Internal
- Prorender (GPU farm)
- Arnold (C4DtoA) 3.3.0 (CPU only)
- Corona 9 hotfix 1
Deployed Cinema 4D R20.059 Plug-ins:
- CV-* plugins as of January 21st, 2019 (CV-AR…)
- Greyscalegorilla HDRI Studio 2.148
- Greyscalegorilla CityKit 1.21
- Greyscalegorilla Light Kit Pro 3.1
- Greyscalegorilla Signal 1.521
- Greyscalegorilla Texture Kit Pro 3.0
- Greyscalegorilla Topcoat 1.509
- Greyscalegorilla SuperText 1.232S
- Greyscalegorilla Transform 1.232S
- Greyscalegorilla Gorilla Cam 1.01
- Forester 1.43
- Hot4D 0.4
- X-Particles 4.0.884
- Reeper 2.06
- Turbulence FD 1.0 Rev 1457
Deployed Cinema 4D R21.211 Render Engines:
- Physical
- Arnold (C4DtoA) 4.3.0 (CPU only)
- Corona 9 hotfix 1
- Redshift 3.5.12 (GPU farm)
Deployed Cinema 4D R21.211 Plug-ins:
- Greyscalegorilla GorillaCam 1.0151s
- Greyscalegorilla Light Kit Pro 3.1s
- Greyscalegorilla HDRI Studio Rig 2.148sb
- Greyscalegorilla Signal 1.5211s
- Greyscalegorilla Topcoat 1.5211s
- Greyscalegorilla Transform 1.232T
- X-Particles 4.0.884
- Forester 1.4.9
Deployed Cinema 4D S22.118 Render Engines:
- Physical
- Arnold (C4DtoA) (CPU only)
- Redshift 3.5.12 (GPU farm)
- Corona 9 hotfix 1
Deployed Cinema 4D S22.118 Plug-ins:
- Greyscalegorilla GorillaCam 1.0151s
- Greyscalegorilla Light Kit Pro 3.1s
- Greyscalegorilla HDRI Studio Rig 2.148sb
- Greyscalegorilla Signal 1.5211s
- Greyscalegorilla Topcoat 1.5211s
- Greyscalegorilla Transform 1.232T
- X-Particles 4.0.884
- Forester 1.4.9
Deployed Cinema 4D R23.110 Render Engines:
- Arnold (C4DtoA) 4.3.0 (CPU only)
- Redshift 3.5.12 (GPU farm)
- Corona 9 hotfix 1
Deployed Cinema 4D R23.110 Plug-ins:
- Greyscalegorilla GorillaCam 1.0151S
- Greyscalegorilla Light Kit Pro 3.1
- Greyscalegorilla HDRI Studio Rig 2.148SB RC2
- Greyscalegorilla City Kit 1.22S
- Greyscalegorilla Signal 1.5211S
- Greyscalegorilla Topcoat 1.511S
- Greyscalegorilla Transform
- X-Particles 4.0.895
- Forester 1.4.9
Deployed Cinema 4D S24.111 Render Engines:
- Arnold (C4DtoA) 4.3.0 (CPU only)
- Redshift 3.5.12 (GPU farm)
- Corona 9 hotfix 1
Deployed Cinema 4D S24.111 Plug-ins:
- Greyscalegorilla GorillaCam 1.0151S
- Greyscalegorilla Light Kit Pro 3.1
- Greyscalegorilla HDRI Studio Rig 2.148SB RC2
- Greyscalegorilla City Kit 1.22S
- Greyscalegorilla Signal 1.5211S
- Greyscalegorilla Topcoat 1.511S
- Greyscalegorilla Transform
- X-Particles 4.0.895
- Forester 1.4.9
Deployed Cinema 4D R25.117 Render Engines:
- Arnold (C4DtoA) 4.3.0 (CPU only)
- Redshift 3.5.12 (GPU farm)
- Corona 9 hotfix 1
Deployed Cinema 4D R25.117 Plug-ins:
- Insydium Fused 1260
- Forester 1.5.2
- Greyscalegorilla Align Tools 1.004
- Greyscalegorilla Drop Zone 1.016
- Greyscalegorilla GorillaCam Plus 2.017
- Greyscalegorilla HDRI Link Plus 2.103
- Greyscalegorilla Light Kit Pro Plus 2.014
- Greyscalegorilla Plus Library 1.425
- Greyscalegorilla Signal Plus 3.003
- Greyscalegorilla Social Frame 1.024
- Greyscalegorilla Topcoat Plus 2.010
- Greyscalegorilla Cyc Types Plus 2.006
- Greyscalegorilla Light Types Plus 2.006
Deployed Cinema 4D S26.107 Render Engines:
- Redshift 3.5.12 (GPU farm)
- Corona 9 hotfix 1
- Arnold (C4DtoA) 4.3.0 (CPU only)
Deployed Cinema 4D S26.107 Plug-ins:
- Insydium Fused 1260
- Forester 1.5.2
- Greyscalegorilla Align Tools 1.004
- Greyscalegorilla Drop Zone 1.016
- Greyscalegorilla GorillaCam Plus 2.017
- Greyscalegorilla HDRI Link Plus 2.103
- Greyscalegorilla Light Kit Pro Plus 2.014
- Greyscalegorilla Plus Library 1.425
- Greyscalegorilla Signal Plus 3.003
- Greyscalegorilla Social Frame 1.024
- Greyscalegorilla Topcoat Plus 2.010
- Greyscalegorilla Cyc Types Plus 2.006
- Greyscalegorilla Light Types Plus 2.006
Deployed Cinema 4D 2023.1.3 Render Engines:
- Redshift 3.5.12 (GPU farm)
- Arnold (C4DtoA) 4.4.0 (CPU only)
- Corona 9 hotfix 1
Deployed Cinema 4D 2023.1.3 Plug-ins:
- Insydium Fused 1484
- Greyscalegorilla Align Tools 1.004
- Greyscalegorilla Drop Zone 1.016
- Greyscalegorilla GorillaCam Plus 2.017
- Greyscalegorilla HDRI Link Plus 2.103
- Greyscalegorilla Light Kit Pro Plus 2.014
- Greyscalegorilla Plus Library 1.425
- Greyscalegorilla Signal Plus 3.003
- Greyscalegorilla Social Frame 1.024
- Greyscalegorilla Topcoat Plus 2.010
- Greyscalegorilla Cyc Types Plus 2.006
- Greyscalegorilla Light Types Plus 2.006
- Forester 1.5.4