Have yourself a heaping helping of software updates

Posted on December 9, 2014 in Blog \ News

It’s that time of year.  Time to shovel the driveway, put up the tree, dry your socks off by the fire, and get into some serious software upgrades.  Huh?  OK, so maybe not the last one, unless you’re a computer geek like we are.  In no particular order whatsoever, we now support:

  • Indigo Render (for C4D now and 3dsmax 2015 once they release it)
  • Kray in Lightwave
  • Forest Pack Pro in 3dsmax
  • Thinking Particles in 3dsmax

We have more engines and plug-ins in the works, and we’ll announce those upon general availability.  All the more reason to push your pixels to us, we can handle the truth.

Oh yeah, almost forgot.  We just released a few small improvements to our agent software today as well.  Our multi-session file transfer engine has been working GREAT to reduce the time you spend waiting for files to upload and download.  That same engine now dynamically adds sessions until it detects there are no more bandwidth benefits.  Pretty slick, eh?  We added a couple of compatibility tweaks as well for those of you with null paths within your scene file to external assets.  1.68 is the version number you should be looking for.  Thanks go to our crack lead developer for all these awesome improvements.

Pixel Plow, Render Endlessly!

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