Ending the R21 + Redshift drought

Posted on July 3, 2020 in Blog \ News

It’s been a long battle, but we are happy to announce that Cinema 4D R21 and the Redshift render engine finally work here.  Thanks to the Maxon dev and support teams for enduring a 7 month long ticket, and pushing through with a resolution!  We have removed the questionable status listing of Redshift under R21 on our deployed software page for C4D.

This has paved the way for us to resume plugin deployment, so expect new plugins in R21 soon.  Additionally, we will be launching support for S22 in the coming weeks.  On top of all that, we are working toward updating Nvidia drivers farm-wide to enable us to run newer Redshift builds.  We’ve been baking under the heat lamps for a while, but the rain of progress has arrived!

For those who care about the United States of America, Happy 4th of July!

Render Endlessly


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