2015, the Year of More

Posted on December 31, 2014 in Blog \ News

We are extremely grateful for the relationships that we’ve built with our customers in 2014.  There have been many improvements to our service, most of which have come out of the pains of growth.  We continue to listen to customer feedback intently, and we do everything we can to implement needed capabilities.  Features are implemented regardless of whether you’re a major studio or a solo artist.  We feel our service can and should be accessible and useful to both.

That’s why we are happy to announce 2015 as the “Year of More”.  Here’s what that slogan actually means:

  • More Software- We are continually adding to our list of supported software.  Having recently added support for Arnold, Maxwell, and Real Flow, that list keeps growing.  Look for more plug-in support, deeper automation for existing apps, and more base applications supported soon.
  • More Features- We remain committed to adding features as clients have need.  There are some new enhancements in development now that will turn some heads.
  • More Value- We are working to expand our pricing range, affording all customers better control over job cost versus completion times.
  • More Power- Yes, Tim Taylor would be proud.  We have a 50% power increase scheduled for the end of January, with more increases as demand requires.

This means you, our valued customer, will be the recipient of all that More.  Cheers, and Happy New Year!

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